Hansjakobweg I (Kleiner Hansjakobweg)


  1. Name Hansjakobweg I (Kleiner Hansjakobweg)
  2. Distance de sentier 52 km, 32 milles
  3. Durée en jours 3 jours
  4. Début de sentier Schapbach
  5. Fin de sentier Schapbach
  6. Classement Traildino EW, Marche facile, sentier de la nature

Hansjakobweg 1

Hansjakobweg I, circular trail starting and ending in Schapbach, 52 km, 3 days

Heinrich Hansjakob was a popular writer at the end of the 19th and start of the 20th century. He has left many local stories. The two Hansjakob Ways are a tribute to this priest and writer. Along the route are information boards that explain the life and work of the writer.

The small Hansjakobweg makes a tour from Schapbach through the deep woods of the Black Forest.

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Kleiner Hansjakobweg
Hansjakobweg I, 3.1km


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