

Klinovec (1244 m)

The Ore Mountains, or Erzgebirge in German and Krušné Hory in Czech, constitute the boundary between Germany and Czech Republic. The main part is situated in the Czech Republic.

History played an important role in shaping these mountains. From mediaeval times on-wards the mountains have been exploited for silver and tin. In our times, large mining operations have removed complete mountains for lignite. More important for the walker is the attractive culture mix that resulted from the forced separation between East and West after World War II. Massive, forbidden houses of the 19th century, shoddy commu-nist building blocks, and rather vulgar modern houses fill the streets of many a village. Pompous spa towns like Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) and Mariánské Lázně (Marienbad) show a totally different side of socialism. Historic cities like Loket show us the richness of the 18th century.

The hills and mountains are covered in large and dark forests with a variety of trees and full of game. The higher parts – Klinovec, 1.244 m, is the highest mountain – have been damaged by air pollution, but new trees are now emerging. The valleys are cultivated and offer space for small villages surrounded by gardens.

Hiking is excellent. A network of marked paths criss cross these mountains, and easy to get maps show them in their respective colours. The European Trail E3 runs from west to east, in a northern (German) and southern (Czech) variant. The larger villages have ho-tels, and on top of the highest mountains are mountain huts. Apart from summertime, you won't meet many people.

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United Kingdom
  • Wandertipps Böhmisches Mittelgebirge
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  • Wandertipps Böhmisches Mittelgebirge
  • Mit der Prager Autobahn und dem Wegfall der Grenzkontrollen ist das Böhmische Mittelgebirge ein gutes Stück näher an Sachsen herangerückt. Die faszinierende Vulkanlandschaft beginnt gleich hinter Ústí nad Labem (Aussig). Schon vor 200 Jahren fühlten sich romantische Maler und Dichter und auch Naturforscher magisch angezogen. Ludwig Richter... Lire la suite
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Erzgebirge | Rother Bergverlag
  • Uitstekende wandelgids met een groot aantal dagtochten in dal en hooggebergte. Met praktische informatie en beperkt kaartmateriaal! Wandelingen in verschillende zwaarte weergegeven in rood/blauw/zwart. 50 Höhenprofile; 50 Wanderkärtchen im Maßstab 1:50.000 und 1:75.000, zwei Übersichtskarten im Maßstab 1:500.000 und 1:850.000, GPS-Tracks zum... Lire la suite
  • Sachsens Museen & Schauanlagen des Berg- und H ttenwesens
  • Der Bergbau in Sachsen hat eine lange Tradition. Besonders im Erzgebirge hinterlie der ber 800 Jahre lang betriebene Bergbau eine Kulturlandschaft mit einem fast un berschaubaren Bestand an technischen Denkmalen. Lebendige Volkskunst und Brauchtum zeugen noch heute von der Bl tezeit des Erzbergbaus, aber auch von den schweren Zeiten der... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  •, Belgium
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  • Sachsens Museen & Schauanlagen des Berg- und H ttenwesens
  • Der Bergbau in Sachsen hat eine lange Tradition. Besonders im Erzgebirge hinterlie der ber 800 Jahre lang betriebene Bergbau eine Kulturlandschaft mit einem fast un berschaubaren Bestand an technischen Denkmalen. Lebendige Volkskunst und Brauchtum zeugen noch heute von der Bl tezeit des Erzbergbaus, aber auch von den schweren Zeiten der... Lire la suite
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelgids Kom-Emine Bulgarije E3 | Oilaripi
  • Een uitstekende wandelgids van een beroemd lange-afstands-wandelpad in Bulgarije, onderdeel van de E3 route. Goede beschrijving, mooie kaarten en praktische informatie. Onverwacht hoog nivo van de gids voor een land waar tot voor kort weinig beschikbaar was. Kom-Emine is a long distance path in Bulgaria, part of the E3 European Long Distance... Lire la suite
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United Kingdom
  • Czechia Shocart 50K Tourist Atlas
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Mulde Valley Cycle Route - Erzgebirge to Dessau Bikeline Map-Guide
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United Kingdom
  • Rila Mountains Domino
  • Rila Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for scree, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and pine scrub and forests. An... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 5 Rila gebergte | Domino
  • Rila Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for scree, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and pine scrub and forests. An... Lire la suite
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart Sredna Gora - Bulgarije | Domino
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United Kingdom
  • Pirin Mountains Domino
  • Pirin Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 40m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for sandstone stacks, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and different types of... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 6 Pirin gebergte | Domino
  • Pirin Mountains at 1:50,000 on a large, double-sided, contoured map with GPS waypoints for shelters and chalets, peaks, etc. and highlighting hiking routes. Topography is shown by contours at 40m intervals with additional relief shading and graphics and colouring for sandstone stacks, single rocks over 5m high, marshlands and different types of... Lire la suite
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De Zwerver
United Kingdom
  • Western Rhodope Mountains Domino Map
  • Western Rhodope Mountains at 1:100,000 on a contoured GPS compatible map from Domino extending from just west of the Pirin National Park to Asenovgrad in the north-east. The map is double-sided with a good overlap between the sides. Topography is shown by contours at 50m intervals with relief shading and spot heights, plus colouring for... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
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United Kingdom
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer Domino Map
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of Ribaritsa and Zlatitsa eastwards beyond Kalofer to the peak of... Lire la suite
  • Also available from:
  • De Zwerver, Netherlands
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De Zwerver
  • Wandelkaart 1 Stara Planina gebergte | Domino
  • Stara Planina Central: Zlatitsa to Kalofer map at 1:50,000 from Bulgarian publishers Domino, contoured and GPS compatible, with hiking trails, accommodation options including a list of local mountain refuges, etc. The map is double-sided and covers the mountains from just west of Ribaritsa and Zlatitsa eastwards beyond Kalofer to the peak of... Lire la suite
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