


The Jura is the mountain range west and north of the Lake of Geneva, roughly situated between Mulhouse and Lyon, shared by France and Switzerland. The Jurassic period of our geoglogical timescale derives its name of this mountain range. The mountains are much older than the Alps. Large forests, long worn ridges, rich grounds: it is a very good area for hiking. The GR5 - E2 traverses the northern part of the Jura. GR9 - E4 lie in the southern part.


Map Jura

Hiking Map of Jura

Sentiers de cette région


United Kingdom
  • Le Tarn à pied FFRP Topo-guide No. SP02
  • Le Tarn à pied, FFRP topo-guide Ref. No. SP02, with 25 day walks of varying length and difficulty in the department of Tarn, including walks in the historic towns of Castres and Albi. Country walks are presented on a separate colour extract from IGN’s topographic survey of France at 1:25,000, city walks are shown on detailed street plans, and... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Les Sentiers des Patrimoines dans le Jura FFRP Topo-guide No. SP03
  • Les Sentiers des Patrimoines dans le Jura, FFRP topo-guide Ref. No. SP03, with 25 day walks of varying length and difficulty in the French Jura Mountains between Dole, Lons-le-Saunier and St. Claude. Each walk is presented on a separate colour extract from IGN’s topographic survey of France at 1:25,000, with its description cross-referenced to... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • La Grande Traversee du Jura GR5/GR9/GTJ
  • La Grande Travesée du Jura, FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 512, covering the GTJ along the Jura Mountains in France from Nommay to Culoz, plus several variants off the main route including parts of the GR5 and GR9 – in all 509kms of hiking trails. Current edition of this title was published in March 2017.The GR509 offers hikers a path punctuated by... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • GR9/GR96/GRP: Tours et Traversées de Chartreuse FFRP Topo-guide No. 903
  • Tours et Traversées de Chartreuse, FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 903, covering 385kms of routes along the GR9 and GR96 in the northern part of the French Alps between Culoz, Chambéry and Grenoble. Current edition of this title was published in May 2015.ABOUT THE FFRP (Fédération française de la randonnée pédestre) TOPOGUIDES: published in a handy A5... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • La Haute-Sâone à pied FFRP Topo-guide No. D070
  • La Haute-Sâone à pied, FFRP topo-guide ref. no. D070, one of the titles in an extensive series of light, A5-size, high quality paperback guides published by the Fédération Française de la Randonnée Pédestre in association with local authorities, ramblers’ clubs, etc. The guides have *colour extracts from the French topographic survey at... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • GR59/GR59A/GR559/GR509: L`Echappée jurassienne FFRP Topo-guide No. 390
  • L`Echappée jurassienne, FFRP topo-guide Ref. No. 390, covering 293km-long route which combines several hiking trails across the heart of the French Jura between Dole in the north and Saint-Claude in the south, along the.GR59, 59A, 559 and 509. The route includes many of the Jura’s best natural locations: Grande Saline and Saline Royale... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • GR654 Chemins de St-Jacques: Vézelay - Périgueux FFRP Topo-guide No. 6542
  • Chemins de St-Jacques: Vézelay - Périgueux, FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 6542, covering the 744km route along the GR654 the Way of St. Jamezs from Vézelay via Limoges to Périgueux. Current edition of this title was published in March 2015.ABOUT THE FFRP (Fédération française de la randonnée pédestre) TOPOGUIDES: published in a handy A5 paperback... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Le Mercantour - Vallee des Merveilles GR5/GR52/52A
  • Le Mercantour: Larche – Nice/Menton, Vallée des Merveilles, FFRP topoguide Ref. No. 507, covering 450km of long-distance routes: the last section of the GR5 in the French Alps from Larche to Nice, an alternative variant off GR5 along the GR52 leading via the Vallée des Merveilles to Menton, plus GR52A – Panoramique du Mecantour from Col du... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • St-Jacques-de-Compostelle - Puy-en-Velay to Moissac GR65-1 IGN 89020
  • Chemin de St-Jacques - the Way of St James in France along the GR65 between Le Puy-en-Velay and Moissac presented at 1:100,000 on a double-sided, waterproof and tear-resistant map from IGN with cartography from their highly popular TOP100 series. The route is prominently highlighted on contoured mapping and annotated with hiking distances.... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • La Traversee der Alpes La Vanoise - PN de la Vanoise GR5/GR55
  • 15 days in altitude from the Tarentaise to Modane, heart of the Maurienne. Description also of Via Alpina.La Vanoise (including Parc National de la Vanoise), FFRP topoguide Ref. no. 530, covering the second section of the GR5 in the French Alps between Landry and Modane, its lower variant on the GR5E along the river Arc, plus the traverse of... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Tour de l`Oisans et des Ecrins - Parc National des Ecrins GR54/GR541
  • Tour de l`Oisans et des Ecrins, FFRP topoguide, Ref. No. 508, covering the 11 to 13 days long tour of the Ecrins massif along the GR54, including the local section of the GR5. Variants along GRs 54A, 54B, 54C, and 541 offer less demanding circuits of two to three days. Current edition of this title was published in April 2014.To see other... Lire la suite
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Siena - Volterra - Massa Marittima - Roccastrada Kompass 2462
  • Siena - Volterra - Massa Marittima - Rocca Strada map at 1:50,000 from Kompass, printed on durable, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper. Coverage includes Colle di Va d’Elsa, Casole d’Elsa, Metallifere hills, etc. Contours are at 40m intervals, with a 2-km UTM grid. Extensive overprint includes GEA - Grande Escursione Appenninica,... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Hungarian National Long-distance Blue Trail (E4): Visegrad to Irott-ko
  • Hiking guide to the north-western section of Hungary’s National Blue Trail which forms part of the E4 European long-distance footpath. The guide covers the route from the historic town of Visegrád on the Danube, across the Buda Hills on the outskirts of Budapest and the Bakony Hills along the north-eastern shore of Lake Balaton, to Írott-ko in... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Autour du Thabor: Modane - Bardonecchia - Briançon
  • Mont Thabor area at 1:50,000 on a contoured and GPS compatible map from Editions Didier Richard in their series of walking maps of French Alps and other popular hiking regions of south-eastern France. Coverage extends from Modane in the north to Briançon in the south-east, and west to Valloire.The base map with cartography from the IGN has... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Morez - les Rousses - Col de la Faucille - PNR du Haut Jura IGN 3327ET
  • Topographic survey of France at 1:25,000 in IGN`s excellent TOP25 / Série Bleue series. All the maps are GPS compatible, with a 1km UTM grid plus latitude and longitude lines at 5’ intervals. Contours are at 5m intervals except for mountainous areas where the maps have contours at 10m intervals, vividly enhanced by hill shading and graphics for... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Olympus Geopsis 139
  • Mt Olympus in a series of waterproof and tear-resistant hiking maps at scales varying from 1:50,000 to 1:10,000, with a UTM grid for GPS users. Contour interval varies depending on the scale, on most maps it is 20m. Relief shading, spot heights, springs, seasonal streams and, in most titles, landscape/land-use variations, e.g. forests,... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Kocher - Jagst Cycle Route Bikeline Map-Guide
  • The Kocher - Jagst Cycle Tour, a 338-km long circuit along the Jagst and the Kocher in the Schwabian Jura, presented by the Verlag Esterbauer in a guide with maps at 1:50,000 showing the route and its variants. Extensive information is conveyed by symbols, indicating road surface, campsites and other accommodation, repair workshops,... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
  • Massif de la Vanoise IGN Wall Map
  • Massif de la Vanoise presented on an encapsulated waterproof wall map, size 100 x 132cm (39.5” x 52” approx), with cartography of IGN’s excellent TOP25 series reduced slightly to 1:28,000. The map combines sections of TOP25 maps 3532ET, 3532OT, 3534OT, 3633ET and 3634OT to extend from Mâcot-la-Plagne and Aiguille Rouge in the north to Lac du... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Jura - Franches-Montagnes
  • 33 specially selected hiking trails in the Jura - Franches-Montagnes area of Switzerland, presented at 1:50,000 on a waterproof and tear-resistant, contoured and GPS compatible map from the Hallwag/Kümmerly + Frey group, with route profiles, grading for the severity of the terrain and the degree of fitness required, etc. The cartography... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Nuremberg Land - Franconian Jura
  • Nuremberg and the Surrounding Area - Franconian Jura/Frankenalb, map no. 50-18 covering an area around Nuremberg, Fürth, Erlangen, Lauf, Hersbruck and Feucht, in a series of special contoured and GP-compatible recreational maps from the Bavarian state survey organization, with cartography of the German topographic survey at 1:50,000 and... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Alsace - Mulhouse - Basel - Altkirch K+F Outdoor Map 2
  • The southern part of Alsace around Mulhouse and Guebwiller on a GPS compatible, double-sided map at 1:50,000 from Kümmerly+Frey printed on sturdy, waterproof and tear-resistant synthetic paper; contoured, with hiking and cycling routes, sites for other recreational activities, various accommodation options, restaurants and ferme-auberge... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Pilgrim Routes in the Florentine Countryside: Western Part
  • Pilgrim Routes in the Florentine Countryside: Western Part at 1:50,000 is one of two maps from Edizioni Multigraphics highlighting old routes towards Rome, in this title: Via Sanese and Via Pisana, plus a section of Via Francigena.The map covers an area between Florence and Siena and highlights the course of two routes between these cities: Via... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Luxembourg North
  • One of two topographic survey maps of Luxembourg at 1:50,000, with contours at 10-metres intervals and additional relief shading. An overprint highlights long-distance footpaths, including the GR5 (E-2), cycle routes, and various places of interest, including campsites. The map covers an area of approximately 53 x 43 km / 33 x 27 miles. Map... Lire la suite
United Kingdom
  • Tours et Traversées du Vercors - du Diois et les Baronnies GR9/GR91
  • Tours et Traversées dans Vercors, le Diois et les Baronnies, FFRP topo-guide Ref. No. 904, covering in all over 1000 km of routes and circuits along the GR9, GR91, GR93, GR95, GR429 and GRs de Pays between Grenoble, Die and Brantes in Provence north of Mt Ventoux. Topographic mapping from the IGN is accompanied by detailed route descriptions,... Lire la suite
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